Calling instance methods as static functions
In Swift, you can call any instance method as a static function and it will return a closure representing that method. This is how running tests using SPM on Linux works.
// This produces a '() -> Void' closure which is a reference to the
// given view's 'removeFromSuperview' method.
let closure = UIView.removeFromSuperview(view)
// We can now call it just like we would any other closure, and it
// will run 'view.removeFromSuperview()'
// This is how running tests using the Swift Package Manager on Linux
// works, you return your test functions as closures:
extension UserManagerTests {
static var allTests = [
("testLoggingIn", testLoggingIn),
("testLoggingOut", testLoggingOut),
("testUserPermissions", testUserPermissions)