Connecting and merging Combine publishers in Swift
How Combine’s operators for connecting and merging publishers can be used to solve real-world problems, such as nested network calls, handling multiple input sources, and more.
Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.
How Combine’s operators for connecting and merging publishers can be used to solve real-world problems, such as nested network calls, handling multiple input sources, and more.
Combine is a really powerful reactive programming framework from Apple, but getting started with it can be quite difficult, so let’s go through the basics of its API and its core concepts.
This week, let’s explore the topic of published properties, by reimplementing Combine’s @Published property wrapper with support for earlier versions of Apple’s operating systems.
While there are a number of abstractions that we can create to be able to observe and communicate value changes — Swift comes built-in with a simple, yet powerful way to attach observations to any kind of non-lazy, stored property — appropriately named property observers.
Chris Eidhof and Matt Gallagher join John to discuss app architecture, RxSwift and Functional Reactive Programming, and how to decide what patterns, frameworks, and concepts to adopt when architecting and building an app.
Arguably one of the most challenging aspects of building apps for most platforms is making sure that the UI we present to the user always remains in sync with our underlying data models, and many techniques have been invented in order to address this problem. This week, let’s take a look at one such technique, that involves binding our model values to our UI.
Radek Pietruszewski, software writer at Nozbe and creator of SwiftyUserDefaults, joins John to talk about developer seniority, being inspired by the React paradigm, singletons & dependency injection, micro features and much more.
Orta Therox from Artsy joins John to talk about building developer tools, working on and maintaining open source projects, React Native, balancing coding time with personal time and much more.
Marin Todorov and Florent Pillet, two of the four authors of Ray Wenderlich's RxSwift book, join John to talk about Rx, reactive programming, debugging, learning new technologies and much more.