Explore Swift’s built-in concurrency system, and how to use tools like async/await and actors to write concurrent code in robust and efficient ways.
Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.
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Explore Swift’s built-in concurrency system, and how to use tools like async/await and actors to write concurrent code in robust and efficient ways.
Learn how to fully utilize Swift’s powerful generics system to write reusable types, functions, extensions, and protocols.
Discover Swift’s Codable protocol, how to fully leverage its compiler synthesis features, and how to use its surrounding APIs to write efficient serialization code.
Learn how to make great use of Swift’s standard library and the collections, algorithms, types and functionality that it ships with.
Discover how Apple’s Combine framework can be used to model increasingly complex asynchronous operations as reactive pipelines that emit values over time.
Discover a wide range of tools, tips and techniques for building comprehensive, fast and stable unit testing suites using XCTest and Swift.
From in-depth guides to its layout and state management systems, to tips, tricks and best practices. Discover how to get the most out of Apple’s declarative new UI framework.