Testing custom Codable implementations
Discover page available: CodableHere's a very simple way to test custom Codable
implementations — by just encoding and then decoding a value, and then verifying that the initial value and the decoded one are equal. Doesn't test edge cases, but it's a good start:
class UserTests: XCTestCase {
func testCoding() throws {
// Creating an instance of the Codable type that
// we want to test:
let user = User(
id: 7,
name: "John",
notes: [
Note(string: "Swift is awesome!")
// Encoding the instance into Data, then immediately
// decoding that data back into a new instance:
let data = try user.encoded()
let decodedUser = try data.decoded() as User
// Asserting that the two instances are equal:
XCTAssertEqual(user, decodedUser)
The above encoded
and decoded
convenience methods are part of the Codextended library.