Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.

Struct convenience initializers

Published on 26 Apr 2018

I love to structure my code using extensions in Swift. One big benefit of doing so when it comes to struct initializers, is that defining a convenience initializer doesn't remove the default one the compiler generates - best of both worlds!

struct Article {
    let date: Date
    var title: String
    var text: String
    var comments: [Comment]

extension Article {
    init(title: String, text: String) {
        self.init(date: Date(), title: title, text: text, comments: [])

let articleA = Article(title: "Best Cupcake Recipe", text: "...")

let articleB = Article(
    date: Date(),
    title: "Best Cupcake Recipe",
    text: "...",
    comments: [
        Comment(user: currentUser, text: "Yep, can confirm!")