Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.

Adding the current locale to cache keys

Published on 23 Aug 2017

When caching localized content in an app, it's a good idea to add the current locale to all keys, to prevent bugs when switching languages.

func cache(_ content: Content, forKey key: String) throws {
    let data = try wrap(content) as Data
    let key = localize(key: key)
    try, forKey: key)

func loadCachedContent(forKey key: String) -> Content? {
    let key = localize(key: key)
    let data = storage.loadData(forKey: key)
    return data.flatMap { try? unbox(data: $0) }

private func localize(key: String) -> String {
    return key + "-" + Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations[0]