Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.

Quickly build SwiftUI prototypes with DetailsPro

Published on 11 Jan 2021

My thanks to the team behind DetailsPro — a fantastic SwiftUI view editor for Mac and iOS — for sponsoring Swift by Sundell last week. DetailsPro lets both developers and designers quickly build prototypes completely visually, using real SwiftUI components, which also makes it an excellent way to familiarize yourself with SwiftUI’s overall APIs and features.

Get DetailsPro for free from the App Store

Not only does DetailsPro run real SwiftUI code under the hood, which ensures that the design of your views will perfectly match how they’ll eventually get rendered within an app, it also lets you easily export that code as high-quality Swift snippets.

DetailsPro screenshot

That means that you can start designing a new app, widget, or feature in DetailsPro, and then move it over to Xcode whenever you’d like. Plus, DetailsPro also seamlessly syncs your projects across your devices, so that you can start working on your iPad, and then easily pick that same project up on the Mac, or even on your iPhone!

Even though this is a super powerful, pro-caliber tool, it’s completely free for up to five designs — so simply download it from the App Store and give it a try, and by doing so you’ll also directly support Swift by Sundell as well.