105: “Building various kinds of editors” with special guest Marcin Krzyzanowski
Marcin Krzyzanowski returns to the show to talk about building editors for Swift code, backend-driven user interfaces, and more. Also, the challenges of working with text-based data, the pros and cons of composition, and managing hobby projects.
- RevenueCat: In-app subscriptions made easy. RevenueCat handles the pain points of implementing subscriptions and in-app purchases, so that you can get back to building your app. Learn more at revenuecat.com.
- MacStadium: The leading provider of cloud solutions built on real Mac hardware. Get started at macstadium.com/sundell.
- Marcin on Twitter
- John on Twitter
- CryptoSwift
- Judo
- Swift Studio
- The previous episode with Marcin
- The Judo SDK on GitHub
- SwiftUI’s state management system
- NSTableView
- NSOutlineView
- Swift Package Manager as a library
- UITextView
- TextKit
- Core Text
- “Meet TextKit 2”, from WWDC21
- Swift’s new AttributedString type
- CFAttributedString’s source code
- swift.best
- Intro and outro music by Dariusz Dziuk